Find E-books, Audiobooks, & More

Hoopla is an all-in-one media service where you can browse 700,000+ titles in six different formats—audiobooks, eBooks, comics/graphic novels, full music albums, movies, and TV—and instantly borrow, then download or stream, the titles of your choice! You will need a library card number to use this resource.
Libby is a reading app released by OverDrive. It has the same collection of titles as the OverDrive app; it's just a different way to access the same digital library collection. Libby is compatible with Android and iOS devices. You will need a library card number to use this resource.
Gutenberg E-Books
Gutenberg E-Books is a database offering over 40,000 free e-books to choose from in various electronic formats. Many titles, ranging from old classics to foreign authors, can be found on this site.
Freading allows users to transfer e-books to a variety of portable devices. To find books for children, select Categories and then choose either Juvenile Fiction or Juvenile Nonfiction. One difference between Freading and other e-book borrowing resources is that Freading titles are always available — no waiting lists. You will need a library card number to use this resource.