Ambler Ambulance
Starting in 2018, The Community Ambulance Association of Ambler took over ambulance responsibilities in Springfield Township.

About Ambler Ambulance
The Community Ambulance Association of Ambler (CAAA) is an independent nonprofit with the mission of providing emergency medical care. Starting in 2018, CAAA entered into a partnership with Springfield Township to provide advanced life support coverage 24/7, 365 days per year. Each ambulance is staffed with a PA-certified Emergency Medical Technician and PA-licensed Paramedic. The vehicles meet or exceed the state mandates for required equipment. Each ambulance carries a 12-lead EKG/defibrillator and additional equipment to assist in the handling of a variety of emergency situations, and it has the ability to transport two patients.
As a nonprofit, CAAA relies on voluntary support from donors, businesses, individuals and municipalities in addition to fees charged for services to provide the staff, ambulances, medical equipment and training needed on a daily basis. CAAA does not benefit from a dedicated tax, and hosts an annual membership drive each fall to support ongoing operations.
If you have any questions or wish to volunteer your time, call 215-643-6517, email:, or visit: