Tree Donation Program

Thank you for your interest in donating a tree with Springfield Township. The donation will benefit residents and the community for many years and is much appreciated.
Email completed forms to or mail to:
Springfield Township Attn: Shade Tree Commission, 1510 Paper Mill Road Wyndmoor, PA 19038
With your donation, you can anticipate the following:
- The donor will provide Township with a plaque proof (if applicable)
- Once a tree location and plaque proof is approved by the Shade Tree Commission, the donor will submit a payment check made payable to 'Springfield Township'.
- Upon receipt of payment, the Township staff will order the tree.
- The Shade Tree Commission will contact the donor when the tree is received to discuss the planting.
- The Shade Tree Commission will email the donor a photograph of the memorial tree after planting.
- The Shade Tree Commission will provide the donor with a donation recognition letter.
Tree Donation Process
Fill out a complete application and return your application along with payment to the Township Administration Building. Application forms will not be accepted without full payment. Trees may be donated any time of the year, however, they will only be planted during the tree planting season.
Trees will be planted in areas based on the current lack of trees, the decline of existing mature trees, suitable soil type and future park development plans. The exact location within a park is at the discretion of the Shade Tree Commission and Parks and Recreation Department. Donors may specify a desired location at the time of application submission. If the tree dies within one year from the time it is planted, the Township will replace the tree with a tree of the same size and species, at our expense.