Haws Lane Development
A Private Residential Development Proposal at 380-402 Haws Lane in Erdenheim

Keeping the Community Informed - Updated 02/15/2024
This webpage is dedicated to keeping the community informed about an upcoming private development proposal for the property located at 380-402 Haws Lane. Included below are the most recent sketches submitted by the developer on the potential uses of the property, past meeting recordings and approved minutes featuring the project, and future meeting dates in which the project will be discussed.
Township Receives Grant for Haws Lane Property Acquisition
At the regularly scheduled February 14th, 2024 Board of Commissioners Business Meeting, State Representative Napoleon Nelson presented the Commissioners with a check for $300,000 towards cost of the acquisition of 2.76 acres of open space on Haws Lane. The Township acquired this property in 2023.
The funding, which is from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Community Conservation Partnerships Program, will be used for habitat protection and passive recreation. The Township also received $200,000 from Montgomery County's Montco 2040 Implementation Grant Program for this project.
July 2023 Settlement Agreement Reached
In September 2022, the Springfield Township Board of Commissioners partially condemned 2.759 acres of the 4.8 acre property at 380-402 Haws Lane. The Board approved a settlement agreement with the property owner at their July 12 meeting. The agreement can be viewed in full by visiting our meeting page and viewing the meeting packet for the July 10 workshop. Members of the public can access that information here: https://www.springfieldmontco.org/government/meeting-agendas-minutes/
About the Property
- The property located at 380-402 Haws Lane is located in the Erdenheim section of Springfield Township.
- It is adjacent to Erdenheim Elementary to the north, Springfield Twp. High School to the east, Harston Hall to the south, and Haws Lane itself to the west.
- The site is approximately 4.7 acres in the Township institutionally zoned zoning district. More information on that type of zoning can be FOUND HERE (HYPERLINK).
- There are several residential dwelling units currently on the property with asphalt parking and driveways.
- The property is also wooded, especially in the rear of the site adjacent to the High School.
About the Partial Condemnation - Authorized by the Commissioners on 9/14/2022
- The Springfield Township Board of Commissioners announced their consideration of partially condemning approximately 2.75 acres of the property located at 380-402 Haws Lane.
- The 2.75 acres is to acquired by the Township to be used as public parklands/green space.
- The remaining acreage is to be retained by the property owner.
About the Institutional-Use Proposal
- The developer is proposing the construction of single, institutional-use building that would be 69,510 square feet in area and 42 feet in height and would treat as many as 88 individuals.
- The proposed institutional use is allowed on site since the property is located in the institutional zoning district.
- The proposal is NOT A FORMAL PLAN SUBMISSION; no action or decision can or will be made until a formal plan has been submitted and discussed at a public meeting.
- Details pertaining to stormwater, traffic, tree canopy, etc. are not available since no plan has been submitted.
About the Residential-Use Proposal - NO LONGER BEING CONSIDERED BY OWNER
- The developer is proposing the construction of 36 townhome units.
- Two alternative designs are currently under consideration for public feedback (both are available to view in PDF format using the link below).
- The proposal is NOT A FORMAL PLAN SUBMISSION; no action or decision can or will be made until a formal plan has been submitted and discussed at a public meeting.
- Details pertaining to stormwater, traffic, tree canopy, etc. are not available since no plan has been submitted.
- As of September 13, 2021, the property owner will not be pursuing the proposed 36-unit townhome development.