Shade Tree Commission
Promotes the beautification of public spaces encourages good planting and landscaping of private spaces.

The purpose of the Shade Tree Commission (STC) is to promote the beautification of public spaces and encourage good planting and landscaping of private spaces in the township. The STC is also responsible for coordinating the Township's annual Arbor Day event in mid-spring.
Interactive Tree Equity & Canopy Map
Trees are critical infrastructure that every person in every neighborhood deserves. Trees can help address damaging environmental inequities like air pollution. American Forests, a national non-profit dedicated to restoring wildland and urban forests, has created an interactive map based on 2013/2014 data. To view Springfield Township's Tree Canopy, select layers using the map below and select Tree Canopy %.
The Springfield Township Shade Tree Commission meets on the fourth Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. at the Free Library of Springfield Township.
Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval.
Most Recent Agenda | View All Agendas and Minutes
Jennifer Ponce | Chair |
Ann Breen | Member |
Ted Bell | Member |
Tom Pryzblinski | Member |
Jared Schwartz | Member |
Lee Kowalski | Alternate |
Matt Johnson | Alternate |
Elizabeth McNamara | Commissioner Liaison |
Craig Lloyd | Staff Liaison |
*It is customary for the Springfield Township Board of Commissioners to reappoint advisory board volunteers unless that volunteer expresses an interest to no longer serve on their respective advisory board. If you are interested in serving on a board with no vacancies, we encourage you to attend their meetings as a member of the general public.
Exceptional Trees of Springfield Township
Do you have an "exceptional tree" located on your property? Exceptional trees are those that are either significant as a single tree or as a grouping of trees, and are unique because of their historical, ecological or aesthetic value. If you know of an exceptional tree that is located in Springfield Township, the Shade Tree Commission invites you to report the location, variety, size and estimated age of the tree via the staff liason email address so that we can include it on a map of Exceptional Trees of Springfield Township [Google Map].
Helpful Information about Trees
- Not sure what tree to plant at your home or business? Visit the Arbor Day Foundation Tree Wizard
- Trees help manage stormwater runoff! Click here to see how trees can help flooding in your neighborhood and help make Springfield Township a healthy and vibrant place to live.
- Plant Ten Million Trees is a regional partnership with the goal of planting one million trees throughout 13 counties in southeastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. Learn how you can help their efforts by planting a new tree on your property.
- PhillyTreeMap is a web-based map showing the location of trees in the greater Philadelphia region. Please visit and add your trees to their data base.
- Find out why Trees Are Good.
- The Tree Benefit Calculator allows anyone to make a simple estimation of the benefits individual street side trees provide.