E-Commerce / Internet Purchase Location

E-Commerce / Internet Purchase Exchange Location
The Springfield Township Police Department lobby and visitor parking lot for the Springfield Township Municipal Building can be used as an Internet Purchase Exchange location. The public can utilize the lobby or the parking lot to conduct transactions generated from an online website, such as Craigslist. The lobby and parking lot are well lit and monitored by a camera security system.
Springfield Township Police Officers are not permitted to participate in transactions or act as witnesses, nor can they offer legal advice or settle civil disputes that might arise from these transactions.
In addition, transactions involving weapons or any type of drug paraphernalia are prohibited from the Internet Purchase Exchange location.
The Springfield Township Police Department lobby is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM through 5:00 PM. The parking lot is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There is no need to notify the Springfield Township Police Department personnel about your transaction unless you believe that police involvement is necessary due to theft, personal safety or altercation. If any of those instances arise call 911.