Fire Permits & Inspections

The Fire Marshal enforces the Township Fire Code, performs fire safety inspections of existing buildings, reviews fire protection requirements for new construction and change of occupancies, investigates resident complaints, serves as liaison to the Emergency Services Board (STEMS) and investigates the cause and origin of fire. He is available Monday through Friday during normal business hours to discuss any code enforcement or fire prevention matters. Due to the many responsibilities of this position, it is recommended that you call to schedule an appointment before stopping by.
Fire Protection Fee Schedule:
(Chapter 34 of the General Code of Springfield Township)
All Fees referenced within this section shall be doubled if the project is started without the applicable Permits and/or Approvals.
Fire Suppression and Detection (New or Re-Aligned)
Residential: $50.00 plus Plan Review/Inspection Cost
Non-residential: $100.00 plus Plan Review/Inspection Cost
Plan Review Cost/Inspection:
In addition to the above referenced fee, the applicant shall pay the Township for the actual costs of plan review for each system proposed, plus a fifteen percent (15%) Administrative Fee that were incurred for the Engineering and/or Third Party Plan Review of the application. Additional outside plan review shall be at the sole discretion of the Building Inspector/Building Code Official, Zoning Officer, or Township Engineer.
Non-Residential Kitchen Hood Suppression System: $50.00
Fire Report from Fire Marshal: $60.00 per copy / $150 per CD
Residential: $75.00 per re-inspection
Non-Residential: $150.00 per re-inspection
*Re-inspections resulting from a previous disapproval/inspection failure or as a result of the applicant scheduling an inspection and is not ready or is not present at the scheduled time of the inspection.
Transfer of Issued Permit:
Residential Fire Protection Permit: $25.00
Non-Residential: $50.00
(Covering the cost of the transferring any previously issued permit to a different contractor)
All other Fire Code Inspections or Permits
Fire Code Operational or Construction Permit: $100.00
Tent Permit (over 400 square feet in size): $100.00 for the first tent / plus $25.00 for each additional tent
Blasting: $75.00
As prescribed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry plus $0.50. The fee shall be in addition to any permit fee levied by the Township.
Fire Protection Permit Applications
Cooking Fire Suppression System
Permit application form for the installation of a commercial cooking fire suppression system.
Fire Alarm Application
Application form for the installation or modification of an automatic fire alarm system.
Fire Suppression (Sprinkler) System Application
Application form for the installation of commercial and residential automatic fire suppression (sprinkler) systems.
Storage Tank Application
Application for the installation or removal of below or above ground storage tanks.
Tent Application
Application for the installation of a tent or air supported structure.
Contact Information
Contact Information
Fire Protection
Telephone & Email Directory
Name | Title | Telephone |
Chuck Baily
Fire Marshal | (215) 836-7600 |