
Help Keep Springfield Parks Free of Trash

Since the pandemic began, the number of people using Township parks and open spaces has skyrocketed. Increased use of the park system is great, as numerous studies have shown a direct correlation between healthy living and outdoor recreational activity and the provision of safe and family-friendly outdoor spaces for all is one of the Township's core missions.

Unfortunately, more users typically means more trash and litter. Over the past several weeks, Township officials and others in the community have noticed a large amount of trash being brought to and left in the parks. Although the Township does its best to clean up the trash left in the parks based on its daily and weekly park maintenance schedule, the increased littler usually occurs after Township crews have already cleaned an area or overnight. 

If Not You, Then Who?

Does trash/litter in the parks make you mad? Please consider assisting Township crews in keeping our parks and open spaces clean by incorporating Earth-friendly activities into your daily routine, such as picking up a few pieces of trash every time you walk somewhere. Residents interested in scheduling regular "clean-ups" are encouraged to contact the Parks and Recreation Department. If you should happen to spot individuals leaving their trash or littering in the parks, please consider reminding them to pick up their trash and to do their part to keep Springfield Parks clean. 

Although it may not be your trash, picking up a piece of trash/litter here and there will have a direct impact in helping ensure that everyone can continue to enjoy the clean and litter-free parks in Springfield Township.  


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